Blake Apartments

The Grinnell

2527 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley | Map
Waitlist Currently Closed

The Grinnell will be the new construction of an affordable housing community for families and people with special needs. The six-story building will provide 63 homes as follows: 21 studio units, eight one-bedroom units, 33 two-bedroom units and one three-bedroom manager’s unit. Twelve homes are prioritized for people with an intellectual or developmental disability.

The Grinnell is programmed with ample indoor and outdoor community space clustered on the first and sixth floors. Property Management and Resident Services offices are located directly off the residential lobby, as is the main community room (approximately 829 square-feet) with kitchenette that can accommodate all the residents of the building for community wide meetings, game nights, movie nights and other activities. The building includes a dramatic 2,450 square-feet rooftop deck with landscaping and several seating areas that will be a welcome retreat and respite for residents. The laundry room is located directly off the deck as is a smaller 165 square-foot activity room. The design encourages informal interactions by providing multiple areas to sit adjacent to the laundry and mailboxes, essential services that all residents will use. In addition, the building includes a ground-floor retail space of approximately 830 square-feet to activate the streetscape.

Estimated Completion
April, 2024
Income Level
30-60% AMI
Resident Population
  • Families
  • People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
C.M. Wong Architecture, Inc.
James E. Roberts-Obayashi Corp.
$52.2 Million
Financing Partners
  • City of Berkeley
  • Regional Center of the East Bay
  • California HCD (AHSC, IIG & Accelerator)
Property Manager
Services Coordinator
Housing Consortium of the East Bay